Randy’s Music Notes

I want to say thank you again to all those who have helped in our children’s choir ministry.  Would you consider helping in this ministry next year?  We always need those who can help in so many areas from handing out cookies, to watching over our kids as they play to helping out with one of our choirs.  The cookie and gym workers are on a rotation so you serve once ever 6 weeks. 

It’s about time for us to begin work on our Summer Community Choir.  We are finalizing music and plan to begin rehearsals soon.  We provide a listening track and part listening tracks to help you learn your music and we will share this on the last Sunday in August. 

I know many of you have been asking (and probably everyone has had the thought), “when are we going to get the projector fixed.”  Well, there isn’t fixing that projector and we are actually looking to move towards large televisions instead of projectors.  The staff went on a “field trip” this week to view churches who have already made the switch and we all agreed this is definitely the way to proceed.  We won’t be losing much in the issue of screen space and what we lose is more than made up for in the clarity and depth of picture.  We finally have a company coming to meet with us next week to begin putting together a package to address our projection needs as well as addressing the sound quality on our livestream feed.  I appreciate your bearing with us during this process.  It’s easy to get companies to come do installs (they make more money in installs) but it’s more difficult to get someone to come fix equipment and address other needs.  I’m glad that we have found someone.  Thanks for your patience!

See you Sunday as we worship Him!  Randy












