Welcome! Our goal is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ by: building relationships with them, being examples for them and teaching them God’s Word.


Sunday School Age-Groups

2K to 5K – B Wing Downstairs

1st-6th Grade – B Wing Upstairs

Our teachers serve faithfully throughout the year. Parents and adults, compelled by their love of Christ, rise up to the task of sharing their faith with future generations. We provide nursery for children birth through 24 months. Meet from 9:45-10:45 am.

Children’s Church

We provide Children’s church during both morning worship services for our 4 yr olds – 4th graders. They begin worship with their families, then during the children’s song, they are dismissed to their church room (2nd floor B206) for their own time of singing, giving of offering, prayer and Bible Study. We utilize the Generations of Grace curriculum which covers the narrative of God’s redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation.

Wednesday Night Activities

Each Wednesday during the school year, our children participate in TeamKids (4K-5K) and Children in Action (1st-4th) activities. Our 5th-6th students participate in the Bridge which seeks to take them deeper in their faith, allowing them to take ownership of it and preparing them to be active members and leaders in our youth group.

Our gym opens at 5:30 pm on Wednesdays, the same time supper begins. Children can play prior to class (6-7pm).
FBC Kids Ministry Overview
Vacation Bible School June 10-14, 2024
8:30am to Noon
Kids who have finished 4K through finished 6th grade
Registration will open in May of 2024.
Register by visiting our church at the preschool welcome desk on Sunday. Registration can also be completed online by clicking VBS  Registration in the Ministires drop-down Menu beginning in May.
During the week of VBS, preschool-5K register and enter the new entrance and finished 1st-6th grade enter and register in the gym.